Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Hey guy's, Sorry I didn't update at all this weekend. We decided to leave internet alone while we enjoyed the beauty of the mountains as a little family. Other than posting pictures that is.
So, I am back. As you probably figured out by now.
We had an awesome trip. The mountains were amazing and the kids had a great time especially. We were so blessed to be able to spend some time away from the stress of life as a little family.

I am so proud of both of the children. Leah especially faced her fears and made huge accomplishments. She actually crawled through the tunnel underneath the penguins BY HERSELF. First off she is afraid of closed spaces. And she is afraid of water. So to crawl UNDER the water making it look like she was in it, in a tiny space was amazing. And she had a blast.

We had so much fun and made so many fun memories to look back on. I couldn't even begin to list them all.

Leah didn't do well sleeping at all. And the one night she screamed and screamed until 4am at which point she threw up from all the screaming.  But, the last night (being Sunday night) we were all sitting in the living room of the cabin watching "The little Rascals" when Leah stood up and walked into the bedroom to watch the cartoon that was on in there. Within minutes it was completely silent in there. When we went to check on her.........You guessed it, She was sleeping. The first time in her almost 4 years that she has ever put herself to sleep.  She had only gotten a few hours of sleep at a time since Weds. Thursday night she didn't sleep at all on the way to Tennessee. So, she had every right to be beat. I am so proud of her.
Joshua had just as much fun as Leah. Possibly more so. lol He LOVED the aquarium and the animals. He wasn't a big fan of touching the jelly fish, the sting rays at all. But, looking was amazing for him. And he keeps talking about the swordfish that kept swimming above him.

Well, that is enough rambling and sharing about our trip for now. I will be back later to pick up on our series.
Thank you so much for being patient with me.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

GROW UP! (Submission PT 2)

True Christian ladies who are submissive to their husbands are very few and far between today.
Since 1848 when the "women's rights movement" women have become more and more self centered or as we like to call it today INDEPENDENT.  We have allowed our selfish, sinful desires to rule who we are and what our marriages have become.  We have slowly forgotten the ways of our fore (mothers) and have no idea where to even start.  The feminist movement is controlling even devout christian women who say they are not feminists. 
I am just going to lay out a few ideas of what serving (Yup you read that right.) your husband really means. 
During your courtship I am sure you had a strong desire to do things that your "special friend" would like. Perhaps you made him little plates of cookies, breads, you looked forward to every second that he was around.
In my case I loved to take Joshua his favorite banana bread and a warm cup of coffee as he was working on our van in the cold winter months. When he came around in the summer time before he had to head to work, I loved to pack him a little picnic lunch to take to work with him. I enjoyed making sure he was taken care of. (The best I could while courting)
That desire certainly didn't change as soon as we got married. No. It changed over the course of a few months.   Being I was pregnant shortly after we got married I didn't feel good at all. You know all the typical symptoms of pregnancy.  Eventually I fell into a pattern of not doing anything at all. I was either tired or sick.  Yes, at that time I had a valid excuse. Although looking back I didn't handle it as well as I could have.  After I had Leah I had kinda gotten into the habit of doing next to nothing. I didn't even so much as meet my husband at the door most mornings when he got off work.
Now, having been married almost 5 years and a child of God for a little over 1 year I am finally falling into a routine and figuring this out. 

#1 One of the ways that I am trying to submit to my husband is by having dinner cooked when he gets home or shortly after. No, He doesn't make me. He would gladly do it himself if he had to. But, why should he. I am called to be his HELP MEET and if I don't make dinner for him what kind of help meet does that make me?  Not to mention it saves us a lot of money.

#2 STOP playing on your phone 24/7 and grow up.  
This was a hard one for me. I was always texting someone or scrolling through Facebook. And it was really getting in the way of our relationship.  I had a whole lot of fun ideas to eventually do pinned on Pinterest but nothing was getting done. Why? Because I was selfish and immature. I would rather play on my phone than do the "adult" thing and make dinner, scrub the toilets, do the dishes or even run a load of laundry.  Yup, You read that correctly. I just admitted to being VERY lazy and a horrible wife.

#3Meet your man at the door when he gets home. I don't care if he works 3rd shift, 2nd shift or 1st. Or even if he works 2 different jobs. Meet him at the door. He deserves that much after working a long hard day to support your internet habits, your eating habits and your needs.  I promise. Just that one little act of love will change you.

#4 Can we just stop the pity party of "I AM A STAY AT HOME MOM. IT'S SO HARD". Yes, It's hard. Trust me, I know. I have done it for almost 4 years.  But, it's your calling. Grumbling is not going to get you anywhere other than a very destroyed relationship.  When your husband comes home, ask him how his day was. Do not just bombard him with how "terrible" your day was, how little the children listened, or the endless list of things that still need done. He had a long day too. He doesn't want to come home to a mess of a wife, screaming kids that he has to care for, or a nagging wife. 

#5 Treat your husband like you treated him when you were courting. Don't fall into the attitude of "I got what I wanted. No need to try anymore." Satan loves that attitude.  It is when you have that attitude and you stop caring about your marriage that Satan will come in and do his best to destroy your marriage.

I know this is kind of an "ugly" blog post. Nobody wants to sit and think about themselves in such a negative way. But is the person I described above you?  Are you a whiny, nagging wife who stay's on her phone all day? Have you fallen into the LAZINESS trap? 
It's never too late to change. I dare you to start today.  If you need help. please don't hesitate to leave a comment with your email address and I will email you as soon as I see it.
This is NOT the end of this subject. There will be more. I promise. After today's post I am sure I either have people hiding my blog and never looking at again. Or jumping up and down in excitement waiting for the next post. lol
I promise they won't all be as bold as today's.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama


As I sit here and sip my coffee, I can't help but to reflect on the many blessings I have been given.
The life I live is hard. Having an Autistic child who has a lot of health issues and dealing with a very active non ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) child, health problems myself, a husband who works many hours, and the list could go on and on.
When I look at the many trials that I have to face, it gets depressing even daunting at times.  But, mornings like this I sit and ponder the many blessings I do have that may even be hidden in the trials of life.

Now let me explain myself.

Yes, I have a daughter with health issues. Yet, I choose to look at this as a blessing. I have been able to lead so many other mamas to our Lord because of Leah's health issues.
We live in a day and age where she can get the help she needs. It's a blessing in disguise to have the surgeries every 6 months. Years ago this surgery wasn't even possible. Leah wouldn't be able to walk because of the severity of her scoliosis, she would lead a very painful life. In today's day and age, this surgery is available. It's called the VEPTR Surgery. 
Because of this surgery she is living a relatively pain free life, she is walking, running and enjoying anything a typical child would be.  For that I choose to be thankful.

I have a son who is completely healthy and developing more advanced than his age. For that I choose to be thankful.

My brother is recovering from Meningitis in a good children's hospital while my other brother just has Influenza.  For that I choose to be thankful.

We will be leaving for Tennessee this for our first family vacation. For that, I choose to be thankful.

Thankfulness is a choice. It doesn't just happen. You need to make that choice.
You can live miserably, or you can live with the Joy of Jesus because He is Victory. He has overcome all pain, death, sickness and evil. He is the ultimate Healer.
For that I choose to be grateful.

What do you choose today?  Victory and thankfulness, or bitterness and misery. The choice is yours.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama

Monday, June 27, 2016

The First Step To Submission. The Plan of Salvation.

You may be asking that very question. Should I submit to my husband, and if so, what all does that mean? 
I want to take some time and help you understand what submission is and what submission is not.
Between Hollywood, novels, and a lack of teaching, women today have no idea what it means to submit. or how to even start.
Unfortunately even most of the older ladies who are called to teach the younger ladies, know nothing about submission and therefore can't even begin to expound on it which has created a generation of women who do exactly as they please with no regard as to who it effects.
I want to take some time tonight and expound a little bit on submission. A subject which has been extremely difficult for me and I am praying that my struggles will be a help to someone else who might be struggling with the same thing.
I believe this is one of the most important verses to a wife. Because this verse holds so much truth in it. It is a treasure chest full of wealth. 
Most women look at this verse and are completely thrown off as soon as they see the words "Submit" but if you read on to the second half where it says "As to the Lord" you will unlock the one key to submission.
If you are going to submit to your husband the same way that you submit to God, doesn't that mean that you would need some kind of relationship with God? Wouldn't it mean I am supposed to be close enough to God to read and hear and feel the prodding of the Spirit when I am supposed to do something?
In order to have that close relationship with Christ, you first have to be saved. You need to make that first step in allowing God to control your life.
If you have never done so, I encourage you to keep reading as I give you the plan of salvation.

The Bible tells us that we can know that we have an eternal home in Heaven.

I John 5:13 – “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life…”

1. Realize That God Loves You

God loves you and has a plan for your life.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16

2. Realize That You Are A Sinner

Our sins have separated ALL of us (including you) from God.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23
God made man in His own image. He gave man the ability to choose right from wrong. We choose to sin. Our sins keep us from God.

3. Realize That Sin Must Be Paid For

“For the wages of sin is death…” – Romans 6:23
Wages means payment. The payment of our sin is death and hell, separation from God forever. If we continue in our sin, we shall die without Christ and be without God forever.

4. Realize That Christ Died To Pay For Your Sins

All of our sins were laid on Christ on the cross. He paid our sin debt for us. The Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross, and He arose from the dead. He is alive forevermore.
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8

5. Receive Christ By Faith As Your Personal Savior

You can pray and ask Christ to save you…and He will! It is not the prayer that saves, but believing and meaning it in your heart. A Sinner’s Prayer: “Lord, I know that I am a sinner. If I died today, I would not go to heaven. Forgive my sin, come into my life and be my Savior. Help me live for you from this day forward. In Jesus Name, Amen.”
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”  – Romans 10:1

I encourage you to leave me a message or comment if you just accepted Christ as your Savior.
Without Christ as the center of your relationship, submission is nothing but a word with a scary meaning.
I tried to submit before I got saved. But, what was the point. I hated it. I didn't have a happy heart. I was doing it for all the reasons.
I beg of you to consider what is written above. Your entire future depends on it.

Join me tomorrow as I go into our next point. This is a heavy subject and not one to be taken lightly. 
May you all have a blessed evening.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How We Are Preparing To Go Out Of Town

Fourth Of July weekend is coming really fast. And we are less than a week away from piling the car full of necessities and heading to Tennessee.
I am so excited. We have wanted to do this for so long. And now it's finally happening.
I am also REALLY Nervous. Leah has never let us spend the night anywhere without going into a huge meltdown every night and making it so we get no sleep at all.  So, this is scary for us.
I am attempting to transition her enough that it won't be as big of an issue. This week, we are going to be making snack baggies, crafts and other toys. I will be sharing here everything that we are doing to TRY to make this go as smoothly as possible.
If this doesn't work. Joshua and I will be taking shifts. The only way we can make it.
I will be posting The recipes that I use and more about our days. I will show you our sticker charts and rewards starting tomorrow as well.
The weekend has been a rough one. But, I wanted to pop in and say hey. I didn't forget about y'all. I just got busy.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Creating An Environment of Positive Reinforcement.

The last couple of weekends we decided to completely throw the schedule away and go on a couple outings. Thinking Leah would be okay.
We very quickly learned our lesson. YOU DO NOT TAKE AN ASD CHILD OFF OF THERE SCHEDULE FOR THE SAKE OF FUN.  So, today we decided to have fun where we are. After all, Who says you can't have just as much fun at home?
I found some Sun catchers at the $ store. So, I decided to get some and I really thought that Leah was going to have a difficult time with getting the hang of it. I was wrong. She had a blast and did an amazing job at following 2 and 3 step directions.
I really didn't have to help her at all. She did so amazing.  She only flipped out once when the paint got on her hands. But, she got it all over her legs and didn't even seem to care.
After their naps I decided to start making up sticker charts, chore charts and reward jars for them.  We are trying to use positive reinforcement. This is something I am not used to at all. So, I am learning with them. 
It really wasn't too hard to do at all.  I found some really good charts on http://www.freeprintablebehaviorcharts.com/ As well as some Reward Dollars for jobs well done.

I printed off a Hygiene chart, behavior chart, feelings chart and a couple of other ones.
I made up a daily reward jar, weekly and a monthly reward jar. The weekly one has things like Spend $1 at the dollar store,  Get nails painted, get an ice cream cone, night out with mommy or daddy (or both)
The daily ones have a little simpler things in there like, play games as a family, 20 minutes of undivided attention, extra screen time,  a meal of their choice.........
While the monthly one holds more of a day trip/ field trip of their choice to use on the last Saturday of the month. So, A couple options in that jar is, a trip to the zoo, hands on museum, bowling.....
I am excited to use this method. We will be starting all of this tomorrow. I will update as the week goes on.
We are getting ready to go to the ball field and play some soccer with Joshua. He is our little ball player and begs and begs to play. So, we still have a busy night ahead with a lot of fun in store.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama.

"Be Still And Know That I Am God"

Psalm 46:10a
" Be still, and know that I am God."
If you were raised in a christian home like I was you probably know that verse by heart.  Knowing that verse and living that verse in your daily life is a whole other story.
The more challenges we face in life and the busier I get, the more I understand the importance of that verse.
Just having a child/children is in and of itself enough to keep you busy from sun up to sun down and for many of us every moment in between.  But, then you add in the house work, your outside job, the grocery shopping, errands and all of the doctors appointments that come with out children. You have to sit there and wonder how in the world God expects you to "Be Still."  I mean just because He can do the impossible doesn't mean I can. Right? How many of us have actually had that thought cross our minds.  I imagine more than just a few of us have.
Can I just remind you that the Bible is God's word.  A beautiful letter to every one of us from our loving Heavenly Father. The only person who will ever die for you and rise again to save your soul.
He could have left it there. After all, the penalty for sin is paid. Right?  But, He didn't. He gave us the Holy Spirit to stay with us. The Comforter. Our Friend. Our go between.  He didn't just look at the Final picture. He looked at the road we would take to get there.

Before we moved I used to go down to the lake on a regular basis and spend time thinking and praying.
Now that we don't live near a lake (my go to place) I have to make do with what I have. And the little moments I do get alone.
I have found that you can "BE STILL" just about anywhere you are and no matter what you are doing.
It's hard as a mama to find any time. But, if you really try you can.

#1- In the shower.
You have heard of shower singers. But, have you heard of shower praying?  I can't tell you how many times I end up taking a much longer time in the shower than I meant to because I lost myself in prayer.

#2- Nap time. ( IF your child decides to cooperate with that). I like to switch on the television and enjoy some me time. But, I have also love to grab my Bible and spend a half an hour at least in prayer and meditation on what I am reading.

#3- I love writing down all of my blessings.
There are way too many blessings to count. But, I have found that when I write down the ones that stuck out to me I am a much more joyful person.  It's hard not to be happy after counting all of your blessings.

I know this is a completely kind of post than I usually write. And I will get back to writing the normal, later on. This was on my heart. I have been dealing with some things personally. And this subject has become very dear to my heart.
So, Thank you for bearing with me during this kinda rambling post.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama