Tuesday, June 28, 2016

GROW UP! (Submission PT 2)

True Christian ladies who are submissive to their husbands are very few and far between today.
Since 1848 when the "women's rights movement" women have become more and more self centered or as we like to call it today INDEPENDENT.  We have allowed our selfish, sinful desires to rule who we are and what our marriages have become.  We have slowly forgotten the ways of our fore (mothers) and have no idea where to even start.  The feminist movement is controlling even devout christian women who say they are not feminists. 
I am just going to lay out a few ideas of what serving (Yup you read that right.) your husband really means. 
During your courtship I am sure you had a strong desire to do things that your "special friend" would like. Perhaps you made him little plates of cookies, breads, you looked forward to every second that he was around.
In my case I loved to take Joshua his favorite banana bread and a warm cup of coffee as he was working on our van in the cold winter months. When he came around in the summer time before he had to head to work, I loved to pack him a little picnic lunch to take to work with him. I enjoyed making sure he was taken care of. (The best I could while courting)
That desire certainly didn't change as soon as we got married. No. It changed over the course of a few months.   Being I was pregnant shortly after we got married I didn't feel good at all. You know all the typical symptoms of pregnancy.  Eventually I fell into a pattern of not doing anything at all. I was either tired or sick.  Yes, at that time I had a valid excuse. Although looking back I didn't handle it as well as I could have.  After I had Leah I had kinda gotten into the habit of doing next to nothing. I didn't even so much as meet my husband at the door most mornings when he got off work.
Now, having been married almost 5 years and a child of God for a little over 1 year I am finally falling into a routine and figuring this out. 

#1 One of the ways that I am trying to submit to my husband is by having dinner cooked when he gets home or shortly after. No, He doesn't make me. He would gladly do it himself if he had to. But, why should he. I am called to be his HELP MEET and if I don't make dinner for him what kind of help meet does that make me?  Not to mention it saves us a lot of money.

#2 STOP playing on your phone 24/7 and grow up.  
This was a hard one for me. I was always texting someone or scrolling through Facebook. And it was really getting in the way of our relationship.  I had a whole lot of fun ideas to eventually do pinned on Pinterest but nothing was getting done. Why? Because I was selfish and immature. I would rather play on my phone than do the "adult" thing and make dinner, scrub the toilets, do the dishes or even run a load of laundry.  Yup, You read that correctly. I just admitted to being VERY lazy and a horrible wife.

#3Meet your man at the door when he gets home. I don't care if he works 3rd shift, 2nd shift or 1st. Or even if he works 2 different jobs. Meet him at the door. He deserves that much after working a long hard day to support your internet habits, your eating habits and your needs.  I promise. Just that one little act of love will change you.

#4 Can we just stop the pity party of "I AM A STAY AT HOME MOM. IT'S SO HARD". Yes, It's hard. Trust me, I know. I have done it for almost 4 years.  But, it's your calling. Grumbling is not going to get you anywhere other than a very destroyed relationship.  When your husband comes home, ask him how his day was. Do not just bombard him with how "terrible" your day was, how little the children listened, or the endless list of things that still need done. He had a long day too. He doesn't want to come home to a mess of a wife, screaming kids that he has to care for, or a nagging wife. 

#5 Treat your husband like you treated him when you were courting. Don't fall into the attitude of "I got what I wanted. No need to try anymore." Satan loves that attitude.  It is when you have that attitude and you stop caring about your marriage that Satan will come in and do his best to destroy your marriage.

I know this is kind of an "ugly" blog post. Nobody wants to sit and think about themselves in such a negative way. But is the person I described above you?  Are you a whiny, nagging wife who stay's on her phone all day? Have you fallen into the LAZINESS trap? 
It's never too late to change. I dare you to start today.  If you need help. please don't hesitate to leave a comment with your email address and I will email you as soon as I see it.
This is NOT the end of this subject. There will be more. I promise. After today's post I am sure I either have people hiding my blog and never looking at again. Or jumping up and down in excitement waiting for the next post. lol
I promise they won't all be as bold as today's.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama

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