Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Hey guy's, Sorry I didn't update at all this weekend. We decided to leave internet alone while we enjoyed the beauty of the mountains as a little family. Other than posting pictures that is.
So, I am back. As you probably figured out by now.
We had an awesome trip. The mountains were amazing and the kids had a great time especially. We were so blessed to be able to spend some time away from the stress of life as a little family.

I am so proud of both of the children. Leah especially faced her fears and made huge accomplishments. She actually crawled through the tunnel underneath the penguins BY HERSELF. First off she is afraid of closed spaces. And she is afraid of water. So to crawl UNDER the water making it look like she was in it, in a tiny space was amazing. And she had a blast.

We had so much fun and made so many fun memories to look back on. I couldn't even begin to list them all.

Leah didn't do well sleeping at all. And the one night she screamed and screamed until 4am at which point she threw up from all the screaming.  But, the last night (being Sunday night) we were all sitting in the living room of the cabin watching "The little Rascals" when Leah stood up and walked into the bedroom to watch the cartoon that was on in there. Within minutes it was completely silent in there. When we went to check on her.........You guessed it, She was sleeping. The first time in her almost 4 years that she has ever put herself to sleep.  She had only gotten a few hours of sleep at a time since Weds. Thursday night she didn't sleep at all on the way to Tennessee. So, she had every right to be beat. I am so proud of her.
Joshua had just as much fun as Leah. Possibly more so. lol He LOVED the aquarium and the animals. He wasn't a big fan of touching the jelly fish, the sting rays at all. But, looking was amazing for him. And he keeps talking about the swordfish that kept swimming above him.

Well, that is enough rambling and sharing about our trip for now. I will be back later to pick up on our series.
Thank you so much for being patient with me.

Bre Shafer AKA Crazy Mama

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