Sometimes I have a hard time remembering that the kiddos can and should do some of what I do during the day. It is easy to turn tv on and let them sit while I run and do everything for them. But, What is that really teaching them?
They are are not learning to be a hard worker. And they are not getting the bonding time that they could be getting while following me around and helping me out.
I am still learning different ways to include them. But, I wanted to share with you a few ways that I have begin to include them. And they have a blast helping out too.
(1) Let them set the table.
Both of my kids love to place the forks and spoons on the table for me while I work on pulling dinner out of the oven or while I serve it up. (Make sure to wash their hands before handling silverware)
(2) Let them put laundry in the washer or dryer.
Both of my kiddos now know how to start the washer and dryer. Although I didn't set out on a mission to teach them how to start the machines. I did set out to teach them to place their own laundry in the washer and change it from washer to dryer. (We have front loaders) But, once they had placed the laundry into the machines they watched me start it. And after only a couple times they were begging to "press the buttons" .
(3) Let them dry the floors.
After I sweep and mop the floors I was getting down on my hands and knees to dry it. Until I realized that it was a perfect opportunity to teach the kiddos how to scrub the floors as well. Sure enough, Both kids love drying the floor with me.
(4) Let them help you clean the bathrooms.
Granted they don't need to be touching the toilet and scrubbing that just yet, But while I am cleaning the toilet I hand them a rag and they can wipe down the bathtub or the cupboards. They even like to use the rag to clean their own potty chairs. (Mind you they are not dirty to begin with).
(5) Let them strip the beds down.
While I am stripping my bed down on days that I clean the bedding I always send them to their rooms to take the laundry off of their bed.
(6) Include them in making dinner.
There probably isn't much that they do to make dinner at this age. But my little ones enjoy stirring things, getting me spoons, and other small things.
(7) Take them shopping. (I know what a pain this is but it can be fun sometimes too)
let them put stuff in the cart for you and get things off of the shelves for you as well.
This will take some practice for them. But, it will teach them to listen to what you say. and they have fun counting out the items.
(8) Let them read
Don't just read to them. Although that is definitely important too. But, While you read your book have them sit and read thru their books. Probably picture books at this point work better. Their attention span is obviously short. So, this won't last long. But, it is a good start to teaching them to love books. Not just being read to them, but also when they read to themselves.
(9) Let them help you sort thru their old clothing.
Its always good to clean out the clothes that don't fit or that they just don't wear anymore. But, its more fun when they help you pick out what ones they don't want.
(10) Make sure they welcome daddy home with as much enthusiasm as you do.
One day my daughter will be a wife. And now is the time to teach her how to welcome home her daddy. She can help take his shoes off, give him a kiss and help prepare him dinner. And the same goes for the little guys. Some day they will be husbands. And their wives may work outside the home. Or maybe she isn't feeling well. He will need to know how to welcome home his future wife and how to treat her when she is worn out as well.
You don't have to start doing ALL of these all at once. But, add one or 2 to your day and see how it goes. It will be fun to add the kiddos into everything. And they will love it. Not to mention it eliminates a lot of screaming and whining kids while you are trying to get stuff done bc they are helping.
Remember to work along side them. Don't just hand them a chore list and expect them to know what to do. Lead by example. And it may create a bigger mess sometimes. But, never discourage their efforts.
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