I focused earlier today on the importance of strengthening your spiritual walk before expecting to become the mama that God would have you to be. I want to focus a little more this evening on making sure that you are the absolute best that you can be for your children.
I know many of us have been taught that once you become a mom, your life stops and EVERYTHING you do must center around the child. And although that is true to an extent. It is also essential that you take care of yourself mentally and physically to be the best mom that you can.
#1- Spend time with God Alone before the kiddos get up.
For me it is easy to get a little bit lazy and sleep the extra 30 mins and skip my alone time with God. But, on those days I begin to feel very discouraged and disgruntled in spirit. Why? Because I failed to talk to the one place that I can get peace of mind, comfort for my troubles and strength to face the new day. When I try to make it on my own I always fail. And I have found that the old saying of "If mama aint happy, aint nobody happy" Is completely true. When I fail to spend time with God and get my "Joy tank" filled. Than the kiddos are not happy. My husband is more stressed out and the house is just all together very "off".
#2- Take a break.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking a 5 minute breather during the day. If that is what it takes to keep you going throughout the day, then do it.
Kick back and relax, read a book, or hide in a closet and eat a snack where the kids can't see. (We have all been there)
#3- Keep short accounts.
You know those moments when you feel like pulling your hair out? When there is a screaming toddler or a collicky baby or even a mouthy teen. Pray for patience. Tell God what you are feeling and ask for His strength to continue on thru the day with the happy spirit that He wants you to have. You may need to do it a million times a day in order to keep your sanity. But, God wants to hear from you.
#4- Hang with your mama friends. (Like minded of course)
Don't be afraid to have friends. Your life didn't end when you had children. On the contrary. Your life was just beginning. Granted, you don't have the time or energy that you once did to hang out. But invite a mama friend to go to the park with you and the kiddos, go shopping together, or just have a cleaning party at the house. (Hey a little help cleaning never hurts. Right? ) You need to have adult interaction. Not just babbling, whining, drooling children. So, Don't push your friends away.
Last but not least
#5- Show your emotions. It is okay to cry. It is okay to feel worthless, It is okay to be depressed.
Everything you are feeling is normal. Don't be afraid to show it. And especially don't be afraid to cry in front of your children. You are human and they need to see that you have feelings too.
But, most of all. Holding it all in can hurt you in the long run. Cry and cry if you have to.
We all love our children. There was never any question of that. But, we all can agree that they get on our nerves at least 30% of the time (probably a lot higher of a percentage than that tho.lol)
We as a mama need a break every now and then. Take care of yourself!!!!
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