Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday Encouragement For The Weary Mama

Today is one of those day's.  And as a mama and wife it happens often.  
I start to feel completely useless and unappreciated. I feel like I am not doing my part for the family. I feel like I should be out helping my husband make money so that we are not constantly short on funds. Instead, I am sitting here watching 2 precious toddlers run around and doing the "thankless" job of feeding them, kissing their booboos, changing their diapers and breaking up fights. I mean, I seriously feel like I am just in a never ending book that is the same on every page.  
Now, Don't get me wrong. I love my kiddos and would do anything for the both of them. But, it's just a feeling of not doing enough. And God knew that I needed encouragement today. 
I came across a verse that of course I know. But, it has all the more meaning when you actually need it instead of just reading over it. And I want to share it with all of you. 

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Convicting verse. Got me to thinking about how much I whine and complain in my spirit and yet never think to just lay it all at the feet of Jesus. All I have to do is lay it there and leave it with Him. He alone can give me a peace of mind that passes all understanding. I can't get that from going out into the world and getting a job. I can't find that in shopping away my troubles and I certainly won't be able to find it by hanging out with friends.  
I can't be the mama that God would have me to be if I am not wholly leaning and relying on Him to lead me in everything every moment of every day. 
Until, I have my spiritual life right and learn to rely on God at all times, I won't be satisfied anywhere I go and no matter what I do I will always feel worthless. Because without God, I am nothing. 
So, I can and will be satisfied with being a mama and staying home every moment with my kiddos.  I mean, Why would I want to put them in a daycare all so I can try to find what I want.  And miss out on all of their smiles, their little giggles, craziness and so much more.  
Even when the going gets tough, God is there and is just waiting to hear from you. So, Share your heart with the Savior. 

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