Monday, January 11, 2016


Have you ever had one of those day's where you just can't get on top of the pile of things that need done? Well, lets just say parenting 2 toddlers at the same time is always a challenge. But, when they get sick, Its 100% harder. 
Leah (my 3 year old) decided to catch a one day bug. Complete with fever, chills, the craps, puking and of course you cannot forget the all day screaming.  
I laid her down for a nap and thinking I could get a nice nap in myself went and laid down.  After only a 1/2 hour or so I heard coughing. Problem was??? This didn't sound like normal coughing. I ran in to check on her and find her throwing up everywhere.  
I mean come on, puking toddler is every moms worst nightmare. Right? Yeah, So I thought. However, I was quickly proven wrong. 
I put her in the bath and got her all cleaned up and let her sit in the bath to let the fever go down. 
God, decided to teach me a lesson about leaving a toddler in the bathtub when she is sick.  She took a massive dump right in the bath water.  And it happened so fast that there was absolutely no way I could have gotten her to the toilet in time. 
So, not only did I have to dig the 3 year old out of crap filled bath water, I also had to stick my hand in the water to drain it. GAG!!!!!  I totally could NOT stick my hand in the water, The amount of germs going thru my head was just way too much. So, what did I do? I of course grabbed a tall glass candle jar that was sitting on the counter and used that to drain the water. And threw that away. 
Yes, My lesson has been learned. Never leave a sick child in the bath water when they have an upset tummy as well.  
Do yourself a favor. Learn from my lesson. 
However if you have already learned that lesson the hard way, Please share your story below. We would love to hear it. 

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